What is The WhiteZone?
TheWhiteZone or WhiteZone (no space, one word) is a corporation registered in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California for public and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3), Internal
Revenue Code.
TheWhiteZone is a nonprofit organization where each member gets distinct recognition despite the color, race, gender, age, religion, language, origin.
Our Vision
Humanity, Freedom, and Equality are the three mantras of “TheWhiteZone”. We have seen a big picture of the world where:
Every youth gets a proper education to help build a knowledge based society.
- People from conflict, scarcity, calamity, and ignorance get equal opportunities in sharing the available resources of the global community.
In this highly diverse globe, there will not be discrimination on the basis of race, color, origin, religion, and language to participate in any profession.
With this, we have developed our vision statement as, “To be a leading global youth forum for Humanity, Freedom, and Equality.”
Our Mission
The core mission of TheWhiteZone is to help, educate, and support people during the time of conflict, scarcity, and calamity.
TheWhiteZone (TWZ) uses all lawful means to carry out different objectives to achieve our mission which ultimately helps to direct our community to reach our goal. To attain our target we are primarily focusing on the Nepali youths scattered all over
the globe. Below are some of the milestones of TWZ to be accomplished as a first step towards our mission:
Help unite Nepali youth in our community to foster their interest: We will create a platform where all local Nepali youths can join to make a “Nepali Youth Community” to conserve our culture and to provide legal, health, and other emergency support. For
emergency purposes, we will establish an Emergency Fund.
Developing an Online youth networking forum to share ideas for self development and success. The advent of information and communication technology has facilitated us to easily create a social network to share ideas, thoughts, and critically analyze our
problem/s. We will use all means of social networking media to interconnect all Nepali youth all over the world for knowledge sharing.
Help create Nepali Youth fraternal organizations in other parts of the US/World. We will form our own Nepali Volunteer fraternal organization in other possible parts of the world and also work in different social projects on a joint venture basis with
our subsidiary.
Help enhance the competency of Nepali origin Youth to engage in mainstream government, business, and civic activities. We will organize different intellectual programs such as: brainstorming, career counseling, workshops, personality development programs,
leadership development programs for Nepali origin students and new immigrants who are in a dilemma for their future prospects and who might be misguided and misled. TWZ will work as a communication bridge between prominent Nepali people
to newcomers and students. We are equally working to help other communities and catastrophes such as: Helped in Haiti and Japan earthquake.